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The Journey!

Numbers 33

READ – “At the LORD’s direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places where they stopped along the way.” Numbers 33:2 NLT

Following the command of the LORD, Moses kept a written record of their progress and the different places they stopped along the way. From the starting point in Egypt (Numbers 33:3) to their stopping point on the plains of Moab (Numbers 33:48-49), Moses listed all the places along the way (Numbers 33:5-47). God also told Moses that when Israel crosses the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they must drive out the people, destroy their idol gods, and distribute the lands so that the tribes can settle down and enjoy their new home (Numbers 33:50-56).

Do you keep a journal of your journey? Have you captured your progress through this pandemic with a photo diary? Do you ever just go back over the year and create a yearbook to highlight the past year? God gave a clear commandment – keep a written record of your progress. You have a story to share, a testimony to tell, a year to remember! Take some time this week and think creatively as to how you will record this year of 2021! If you have a few ideas already, leave a comment. (One of my ideas will be a Yearbook of Selfies because the selfies remind me that I’ve not been alone in 2021.)

Father God, help us to remember our joyful moments, record our journey, and rejoice over our Promised Land You have given us to enjoy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!