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What’s Your Testimony?

Numbers 23:13 – 25:18

READ –  “God brought them out of Egypt; for them He is as strong as a wild ox.” Numbers 23:22 NLT

EXAMINE – Balaam could not curse the children of Israel despite three attempts (Numbers 24:10). Even in his final address to King Balak (Numbers 24:14-24), Balaam prophesied about the coming of Jesus Christ, the star of Jacob (Numbers 24:17). Unfortunately, Israel did not remain morally pure before God and committed sexual immorality with the women of Moab (Numbers 25). Their disobedience brought the judgment of God and God killed 24,000 of the people (Numbers 25:9).

APPLY –  God guarded the children of Israel. God fought for them like a strong, wild ox. God kept them even from deliberate attacks of the enemy. What’s your testimony of God fighting for you like a strong ox? How did God keep you during this pandemic? How have you returned God’s faithfulness? When the “Moabites” of seduction and temptation approach you; don’t worship their gods, don’t walk in their ways and don’t wander into their wickedness.

PRAY – Father God, fight for our integrity and keep us holy before You and others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!