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The Power of Sharing!

Numbers 31

READ – “Then divide the plunder into two parts and give half to the men who fought the battle and half to the rest of the people.” Numbers 31:27 NLT

The LORD commanded Moses to raise an army from each tribe and send them into war to take revenge on the Midianites (Numbers 31:2) for following Balaam’s advice and causing the people of Israel to fall into idolatry and immorality (Numbers 31:16). God gave Israel victory and even allowed them to take much plunder from the war. The plunder was divided between the fighters and the people (Numbers 31:25-54). Everyone received something, including the LORD.

Happy Thanksgiving! Today’s devotional reading reminds us of the power of sharing. God has richly blessed us and given us victories. We are to share these blessings with others. What can you share today? Share a word of encouragement with a family member. Share a financial blessing with someone who has had a tough time due to sickness or job displacement. Share your time with a friend who just needs to get out of the house and breathe a little. Share the gospel with a lost person and give him or her the hope of JESUS!

Father God, since You have richly blessed us with all things for our enjoyment (I Timothy 6:17), help us to be rich in good works, to be generous, and to always be ready to share with others (I Timothy 6:18). In Jesus’ Name, Amen!