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The Cost of Anger!

Numbers 20 – 21

READ –  “Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out. So, the entire community and their livestock drank their fill.” Numbers 20:11 NLT

EXAMINE – The events of Numbers 20 seem to take place in the 40th year because it records the death of Aaron, who died in the 40th year (Numbers 33:38). Miriam died in Kadesh, and it was also the place where Moses was commanded by God to speak to the rock for water, but instead Moses struck the rock. Edom, Israel’s distant relatives, refused to let them pass through their land (Numbers 20:14-21). Israel had to reroute (Numbers 20:21) but God gave them victory over the Canaanites (Numbers 21:3) and over the Amorites kings of Sihon and Og (Numbers 21:21-35).

APPLY –  Have you ever been so frustrated until you lashed out verbally in anger or even raised your hand in violence? Was it aimed at a co-worker, a child, a church member or even a spouse? Moses, the meek man, became Moses, the mad man, and he struck the rock twice. That act cost the lives of Aaron and Moses (Numbers 20:12). Today, pay close attention to your words, your emotions and even the look of your eyes. Don’t let anger and frustration rule your tongue or actions or even attitude.

PRAY – Father God, since You are the source of peace (II Thessalonians 3:16), make us instruments of peace and not weapons of division and destruction. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!