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Family Favor!

Numbers 26

READ –  “However, the sons of Korah did not die that day.” Numbers 26:11 NLT

EXAMINE – Since it had been forty (40) years since the exodus out of Egypt, God commanded Moses and Eleazar to take another census of the fighting men who were 20 years and older (Numbers 26:2).  This census revealed the numbers, but also some footnotes to the various families. The tribe with the highest number of men was Judah with 76,500. The tribe with the lowest number was Simeon (Numbers 26:14) possibly because many had died in the Baal idolatry in Numbers 25:14).

APPLY –  What’s the story behind your family’s numbers? Although Korah had rebelled against Moses and sealed his destiny of death (Numbers 16:24, 26), his sons didn’t follow his rebellious ways. When given the choice, these sons chose righteousness over family loyalty or even peer pressure (Numbers 26:11).  As we learned this weekend during our 139th Church Anniversary (if you missed it, please go back, and watch one of the services), we are blessed, but God’s blessings are based upon His timing and on His terms. Take the time today to share with a youth in your family the background story to your family’s destiny of blessings.

PRAY – Father God, even when our families are heading in the wrong direction, please give us wisdom and courage to not to mess up and miss out on Your favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
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