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Be A Blessing!

1 Timothy 6:16-20

READ –  “Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment” — 1 Timothy 6:17 NLT

EXAMINE – Paul returns to the topic of riches; his message is specifically for those already wealthy and not those aspiring to be rich. Paul does not condemn riches; but delivers the plain truth about the dangers and responsibilities of wealth. His final words to a rich church have not lost their edge over the centuries. Prosperity is always ready to devour followers of Christ and His church—and today’s rich church must not forget it.

APPLY –  American culture is all about money; the mighty dollar rules the day. People are consumed with wealth and riches; many only thinking about what this wealthy status can do for themselves. There is nothing wrong with those who are wealthy nor those working hard to obtain more. The problem is the motivation and attitude many hold thinking they are better than others. The arrogance of the rich keeps them from being focused on seeking the welfare of the city where God has placed them. The Lord has been and continues to shower us with His blessings; we must always remember God blesses us to be a blessing. As we approach the holiday stretch of this year; let’s find ways to be a blessing to others

PRAY – Father God, thank You for all the blessings You have given us. Help us to have the mindset to help others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


How Bad Do You Want IT?

I Timothy 6:3-10

READ –  “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.” — I Timothy 6:6 NLT

EXAMINE – Once again, Paul warned Timothy concerning false teachers. False teachers reject the truths of Biblical teaching (I Timothy 6:3). They are troublemakers who are always arguing and causing division (I Timothy 6:4). Ultimately, they are motivated by tainted wealth and greed (I Timothy 6:5). But for Paul, the greatest wealth is godliness and contentment (I Timothy 6:6-8). Too many want money so bad until they work iniquity, worry unnecessarily, and wander spiritually from God (I Timothy 6:9-10). 

APPLY –  How bad do you want IT? How far will you go to get IT? What will you sacrifice to have IT? Who will you leave for IT? One powerful lesson we should have learned from the pandemic and its shutdowns is that we could survive without IT! So, stop chasing IT and be thankful for HIM! Spend some time today being content with all that God has already given you.

PRAY – Father God, open our eyes so that we can see just how blessed we are and then open our hands so that we can bless others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!