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Bless Our City!

Zephaniah 3:1-5

READ – “But the LORD is still there in the city, and He does no wrong. Day by day He hands down justice, and He does not fail. But the wicked know no shame.” Zephaniah 3:5 NLT

– Zephaniah once again shined the judgment spotlight on Jerusalem. Jerusalem was described as rebellious, polluted, and full of violence and crime (Zephaniah 3:1). The people had turned from God (Zephaniah 3:2). The political leaders were ravenous wolves who took advantage of the people (Zephaniah 3:3). Even the religious leaders, prophets and priests, were arrogant liars, disobedient servants and manipulative hypocrites only concerned about fattening their own pockets (Zephaniah 3:4). It was a MESS! Yet, the LORD was still in the city to deliver justice (Zephaniah 3:5).

Recently, Memphis was named the No. 1 Most Dangerous City in the country. John Maxwell states, “Everything rises and falls on leadership!” For Zephaniah, the leaders played a significant role in the city’s spiritual demise and coming destruction. Today, let’s pray for our political and spiritual leaders that we would listen to correction, lean more on the LORD, live holy and in harmony with others, and labor for the prosperity and welfare of everyone. God is still in the city, and we just need to let God work through us.

– Father God, give our leaders the courage to stand for right and the compassion to stand up for all its citizens. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Taking Care of Business!

Habakkuk 3:6-11

READ – “Was it in anger, LORD, that You struck the rivers and parted the sea? Were You displeased with them? No, You were sending Your chariots of salvation!” Habakkuk 3:8 NLT

EXAMINE – Habakkuk witnessed the arrival of the LORD from His heavenly home to earth. Immediately, the earth responded in shaking and the nations all trembled and even the mountains fell flat before Him (Habakkuk 3:6). The LORD made a way even through parting the water so that His chariots of salvation (Habakkuk 3:8) and arrows of victory (Habakkuk 3:9) could have an unhindered pathway. All of nature including the sun and moon stood still as the LORD worked and brought victory (Habakkuk 3:10-11).

APPLY – Taking Care of Business! We can trust God to take care of business when it comes to us, His children. Nothing can stand in His way. No one can stand up to His power. His will for our lives is a guarantee. Are you facing a battle in your life? Whatever the sickness, the storm, or the struggle may be, you are not alone. The LORD will come to your rescue. Today, pay close attention to nature and as you feel the cool wind or see the clouds or even drive across bridges of water, know that even nature “lifts their hands in submission” to our all-powerful God! You can trust God to take care of business!

PRAY – Father God, my soul needs resting, my mind needs refreshing and my joy needs restoring. So, today, I simply lift my hands in submission to Your will. Please perfect that which concerns me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!