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Speak To My Heart!

Numbers 7:55 – 8:26

READ –  “Whenever Moses went into the Tabernacle to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the Ark’s cover – the place of atonement – that rests on the Ark of the Covenant. The LORD spoke to him from there.”  — Numbers 7:89 NLT

EXAMINE – The tribal leaders continued bringing their dedication offering to the LORD for the Tabernacle (Numbers 7:55-88). When they finished dedicating the Tabernacle, it became the place where Moses went to speak to the LORD and to hear from the LORD (Numbers 7:89). God gave Moses specific instructions for setting up the golden lampstand (Numbers 8:1-4). Finally, now that the place (The Tabernacle) had been consecrated for service; God consecrated the people (the Levites) for service within the Tabernacle (Numbers 8:5-22). God even commanded the time frame for the Levites to serve before retiring (Numbers 8:23-26).

APPLY –  Moses went to the Tabernacle to talk to God and to hear from God. The same should happen to us when we go to church. We should go to church to talk to God – praising Him for His greatness and praying to Him about our needs. We should go to church to hear from God – especially through the preaching, reading and hearing of His Word. What did God say to you through this weekend’s worship? How will you grow in your giving during this week? If you didn’t go to church this weekend, take time today to go back and worship God virtually. The LORD still speaks to us at Church!

PRAY – Father God, we want to hear from You this week. Speak to our hearts clearly as we dedicate ourselves to Your service. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!