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Family Matters

I Timothy 5:7-12

READ – “But those who won’t look after their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.” I Timothy 5:8 NLT

EXAMINE – In Paul’s day, widows enjoyed the special privilege of being supported financially by the church. These ladies would then be able to give their total commitment to serving within the church. These ladies needed to be true widows which meant they had no other family members. Any widow with family members had to be supported by their families. And any younger widows should remain open to the possibility of remarriage and so they did not need to be on the list.

APPLY – Family should take care of Family! We should live with the expectation that one day it could be said of us that we were faithful to our spouse, supportive of our children, kind to strangers, a servant to all, and good to others (I Timothy 5:9-10). Today, if no plan exists, start talking about how the family will care for our older family members when that time arrives.

PRAY – Father God, since our parents sacrificed much for us, let us return the favor by committing to their care in their old age. Give us wisdom and favor to make this happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Family Values

I Timothy 5:1-6

READ –  “Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father. Talk to younger men as you would to your own brothers.”  I Timothy 5:13 NLT

EXAMINE – Since our righteousness should be reflected in how we treat people, even those outside the church, Paul gave Timothy practical advice regarding his relationship and actions to others. Talk to older men and women with respect, the same high respect we should give our parents. Talk to younger men and younger women with the tenderness as you would to your brothers and sisters. Treat everyone with respect and kindness like they are family (I Timothy 5:1-2). Take care of the widows or your parents when they are old and cannot provide for themselves (I Timothy 5:3-5)

APPLY –  “Like family” was the foundation Paul used in describing to Timothy how we should talk to, treat, and take care of others. Unfortunately, in today’s times (we have been called to know the times), people have lost even the common decency on how to respect and treat family members. Take time today to call and check on a family member. Do something nice for an older family member. Give a young person an encouraging lesson on always talking to, treating, and taking care of family members with love, respect and generosity. Finally, when you go throughout your day, see others, even strangers, as family and smile and speak cordially to them. Let’s send this devotional to our immediate family and let’s commit to start at home in how we talk to and treat others.

PRAY –  Father God, since our families are valuable to us, help us to overcome the hurts of home as we treat family with respect, love, and kindness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!