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Respect In The Workplace

I Timothy 6:1-2

READ – “All slaves should show full respect for their masters so they will not bring shame on the name of God and His teaching.” — I Timothy 6:1 NLT

EXAMINE – The institute of slavery was the way of life in Apostle Paul’s day. Paul stated that the believers who were slaves should show “full respect” for their masters to bring glory to God. Believing slaves should especially respect and work even harder when they have a believing master not only for the glory of God but for the good of other believers.

APPLY – Today’s reading can best be understood and applied in the workplace environment between bosses and workers. Believers should be model employees giving respect to their bosses and especially bosses who are saved. The workplace is a ministry field and being respectful and working hard are the best ways to bring glory to God and to move the company from good to great. What will you do today to show respect in your workplace?

PRAY – Father God, I’m thankful for the job You blessed me to work. In a time when there is so much hostility in the workplace, help me to be respectful to all and to seek peace between all. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Family Matters

I Timothy 5:17-25

READ –  “For the Scripture says, ‘You must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain.’  And in another place, ‘Those who work deserve their pay!’” — I Timothy 5:18 NLT

EXAMINE – Paul stated that pastors who work hard and live holy should be respected highly and paid well (I Timothy 5:17-18). People shouldn’t rumor about a pastor unless the accusation is confirmed by two or three witnesses (I Timothy 5:19) and if a pastor has sinned, he should be reprimanded openly to deter others from committing sins (I Timothy 5:20). Because of the seriousness of the job and the stress of the job, Paul stated that the church shouldn’t be in a hurry to lay hands on a person and appoint them as a pastor or leader (I Timothy 5:22). Paul encouraged Timothy to physically and medically to take care of his health (I Timothy 5:23). Finally, some things good or bad will not be revealed until later (I Timothy 5:24-25).

APPLY –  “God will bless the church as the church blesses you!” I still remember those words which Pastor Dr. Sherman L. Helton, Sr. spoke to me almost thirty-three (33) years ago. Brown, I’m so appreciative that you have taken such great care of me and my family over these past three decades. As churches pause to celebrate Clergy Appreciation Month during October, today I want to turn it into Congregational Appreciation Month. BMBC has been able to grow and expand (and to keep our Church Doors Opened) even in a pandemic because of your faithfulness and generosity. Together, BMBC and Orr are a pretty great team! Again, Thank YOU!

PRAY –  Father God, I’m humbled and honored to pastor such a wonderful and working church family.  Please keep all of us holy as we continue to change lives and make a difference. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!